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E Ticket Booking Aeroflot

http://www.aeroflot.ru/cms/en/booking?utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=65048882,8741238242,,1t1&utm_content=aeroflot%20russian%20airlinesE Ticket Booking

E-Ticket Booking
Contcat Information

Open Line telehone: - (495) 223-55-55

Office hours:

Mon - Thu: 9:00 - 18:00 (Moscow time);
Fri: 9.00 - 15.30 (Moscow time).


Sat/Sun: 24-hour automatic answering service.

Agent and Corporate Sales Department

10, Arbat Str., Moscow

+7 (495) 258 4089

+7 (499) 500 6760


Office hours:

Mon - Sat: 9:00 - 8:00
Sun: 9:00 - 16:00

Office hours:

Mon - Sat: 9:00 - 19:30
Sun: 9:00 - 15:30