WELCOME TO Free Guide for All like MS office, Document Control etc.. Contact BY renuka1971@gmail.com

Etihad Airways contact details for country wise

Etihad Airways, Head Office - Abu Dhabi, UAE

Office Address: P.O.Box 35566, Head Office, Khalifa City A, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Office: +971 2 511 0000

Fax: +971 2 511 1200

Call Centre: [Within the UAE: 02 599 0000] [Outside the UAE: +971 2 599 0844]

Please select the country/city:

Tirana, Albania

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12, 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Tirana, Albania

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.com

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, Lavalle 462 – 3rd Floor, Buenos Aires C1047AAJ, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +54 11 5274 1600

Reservations and Ticketing: +54 11 5274 1600

Fax: +54 11 4314-1600

Email: info@discoverbue.com.ar

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, 657 Cordoba Avenue, 13th Floor, Suite 131, 1054, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Office: +54 11 4314 1600

Reservations and Ticketing: +54 11 4314 1600

Fax: +54 11 4314 1600

Brisbane, Australia

Office Address: Under Road Offices, Level 1, Brisbane International Terminal, Brisbane Airport QLD 4007, Brisbane, Australia

Business Hours: Mon-Fri 09:00am– 17:00pm / Sat, Sun & public holidays - Closed

Office: +61 7 3845 7200

Reservations and Ticketing: +61 7 3845 7200

Fax: +61 7 3845 7299

Call Centre: 02 8223 9900

Email: bnetkt@etihad.ae

Melbourne, Australia

Office Address: Level 25, 140 William Street, VIC 3000, Melbourne, Australia

Business Hours: Monday - Friday 0900 - 1700 / Closed Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays

Office: + 61 3 8638 5100

Reservations and Ticketing: + 61 3 8638 5100

Fax: + 61 3 8638 5101

Call Centre: 02 8223 9900

Email: meltkt@etihad.ae

Sydney, Australia

Office Address: Level 36, Aurora Place, 88 Phillip St, NSW 2000, Sydney, Australia

Business Hours: Monday - Friday 0900 - 1700 / Closed Saturday/Sunday & Public Holidays

Office: + 61 2 8024 7200

Reservations and Ticketing: + 61 2 8024 7200

Fax: + 61 2 8024 7222

Call Centre: 02 8223 9900

Email: sydtkt@etihad.ae

Vienna, Austria

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, Odeongasse 2A/1, A-1020 Wien , Vienna, Austria

Office: +43 1512 8686 86

Reservations and Ticketing: +41 840 333 555

Fax: +43 1512 8686 60


Office Address: Office # 27A, Sheraton Complex, P.O. Box 5177, Bahrain, Bahrain

Business Hours: 0830Hrs - 1300Hrs & 1530Hrs - 1900Hrs (Sat - Thu)

Office: +973 1 751 9999

Reservations and Ticketing: +973 1 650 0444

Fax: +973 1 753 3988

Call Centre: +973 1 650 0444

Email: santhsohn@etihad.ae

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Office Address: Molly Capita Centre (7th Floor), Plot – CES (F) – 04, Road – 127, Holding – 76, Gulshan Avenue. Post Code 1212, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Business Hours: 09:30am-5.30pm (Sun-Thu), 09:30am-12:30pm (Sat), Fri closed.

Office: +8802 8831258/8831247/8819540/8819542

Reservations and Ticketing: +8802 8831258/8831247/8819540/8819542

Fax: +8802 8831269

Email: dactkt@etihad.ae

Minsk, Belarus

Office Address: Internatsionalnaya str 33V, Post code 220030, Minsk, Belarus

Business Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:30

Office: +375 17 328 62 22

Reservations and Ticketing: +375 17 328 62 22

Fax: +375 17 328 49 11

Email: msqtkt@etihad.ae

Brussels, Belgium

Office Address: (Administration Office only) Parklane, Culliganlaan 2D,, Box3, 1831 Diegem, Brussels, Belgium

Business Hours: Administration office only - Monday–Friday: 09:00-12:30 and 13:30–17:30, Closed on Sat, Sun & Public holidays.

Office: +32 2 714 58 30

Reservations and Ticketing: 02 200 8880

Fax: +32 2 725 81 77

Call Centre: 02 200 8880

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, Av. das Americas 3959 loja 206, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil CEP 22631-003, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Office: +55 21 3410 1062

Reservations and Ticketing: +55 21 3410 1062

Fax: +55 21 2487 4618

Sofia, Bulgaria

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Sofia, Bulgaria

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.eu

Toronto, Canada

Office Address: 25 York Street, Suite 608, ON M5J 2V5, Toronto, Canada

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-17:00

Office: + 1 416 221 4744

Fax: + 1 416 730 8161

Call Centre: 1 866 9 ETIHAD (Within Canada)

Email: ytotkt@etihad.ae

Santiago, Chile

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, Enrique Foster Norte 80 Piso 1, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile

Office: +56 2 754 6823

Reservations and Ticketing: +56 2 754 6823

Fax: +56 2 234 4692

Beijing, China

Office Address: Twins Tower, 30th Floor of East Tower , No B12, Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Business Hours: Monday - Friday 09:00-17:30

Office: +86 10 8521 7988

Fax: +86 10 6567 6883

Email: bjstkt@etihad.ae

Chengdu, China

Office Address: Twins Tower, 30th Floor of East Tower , No B12, Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Business Hours: Monday - Friday 09:00-17:30

Office: +86 10 8521 7988

Fax: +86 10 6567 6883

Email: bjstkt@etihad.ae

Shanghai, China

Office Address: 12/F Platinum Building, 233 Taicang Road, Shanghai, Shanghai, China

Business Hours: Monday - Friday 09:00-17:30

Office: +86 21 5175 1523/24

Reservations and Ticketing: 86 10 8521 7988

Fax: +86 21 5175 1521

Email: bjstkt@etihad.ae

Bogota, Colombia

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, Transv. 17 No. 121-12 Office 515, Bogota, Colombia

Office: +57 1 620 3515

Reservations and Ticketing: +57 1 620 3515

Fax: +57 1 620 3360

Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

Office Address: Atlas GSA Cote D’Ivoire, Immeuble Nour-Al-Hayat, Avenue Chardy, Abidjan Plateau, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +225 2030 38 54

Reservations and Ticketing: +225 2030 38 54

Fax: +225 2021 28 88

Email: etihad.ci@africvoyages.com

Zagreb, Croatia

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Zagreb, Croatia

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.eu

Larnaca, Cyprus

Office Address: 1, Spartis Str. (Corner of Spartis Str. and Artemidos Ave.), Antoniou Building , 6th Floor , 6025, Larnaca, Cyprus

Business Hours: 0900 - 1700 (Mon - Fri). Closed on Sat, Sun & Public holidays.

Office: +357 24 743000

Reservations and Ticketing: +357 24 743000

Fax: +357 24 628444

Larnaca Airport Office, Cyprus

Office Address: 1st Floor , West Wing , Office 10.033.008, PO BOX 43052 , Larnaca Intl Airport , CY-6650, Larnaca, Cyprus

Business Hours: 0900 - 1700 except Saturday

Office: +357 24 008486

Fax: +357 24 008485

Prague, Czech Republic

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Prague, Czech Republic

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.eu

Copenhagen, Denmark

Office Address: P A G Travel Consulting A.B., Skeppargatan 48 , 11458 Stockholm, Sweden, Copenhagen, Denmark

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +46 8 545 11738

Reservations and Ticketing: +46 8 545 11738

Fax: +46 8 568 49650

Email: agents.nordic.etihad@pagconsulting.se

Cairo, Egypt

Office Address: World Trade Center, 1191 Cornich El-Nil, South Tower - 9th Floor, Cairo, Egypt

Business Hours: 9 am-4 pm (Sun-Thu)

Office: +20 2 2578 1303

Reservations and Ticketing: 0800 0000 147

Fax: +20 2 2578 1302

Call Centre: 0800 0000 147

Email: caitkt@etihad.ae

Tallinn, Estonia

Office Address: Airline Management, Katusepapi Street 6, Tallinn 11412, Tallinn, Estonia

Office: +372 66 81 006

Reservations and Ticketing: +372 66 81 006

Fax: +372 622 8115

Helsinki, Finland

Office Address: P A G Travel Consulting A.B., Skeppargatan 48 , 11458 Stockholm, Sweden, Helsinki, Finland

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +46 8 545 11738

Reservations and Ticketing: +46 8 545 11738

Fax: +46 8 568 49650

Email: agents.nordic.etihad@pagconsulting.se

Paris, France

Office Address: Not open to the public, Paris, France

Reservations and Ticketing: + 33 (0) 1 57 32 43 43

Fax: +33 (0) 1 47 42 20 01

Call Centre: + 33 (0) 1 57 32 43 43

Munich, Germany

Office Address: Palais am Jakobsplatz, Oberanger 34-36, Post Code 80331, Munich, Germany

Office: +49 89 44 23 88 88

Reservations and Ticketing: +49 89 44 23 88 88

Fax: +49 89 44 23 88 89

Call Centre: 0180-5005400 (within Germany)

Athens, Greece

Office Address: 3-5 Kolokotroni & Voulis St., 5th Floor, GR 105 62, Athens, Greece

Business Hours: 09:00 - 17:00

Office: (+30210) 3241010

Reservations and Ticketing: (+30210) 3241010

Fax: (+30210) 3225606

"El. Venizelos" Athens Intl. Airport, Athens, Greece

Office Address: Athens Intl. Airport, MTB Office 3/M09, Spata Attiki 190 19, Athens, Greece

Business Hours: 09:00 - 17:00 (Daily)

Office: (+30210) 3533994

Reservations and Ticketing: (+30210) 3241010

Fax: (+30210) 3532138

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, Avenida Reforma 7-62 zona 9, Edificio Aristos Reforma – Oficina 416B, Guatemala 01009, Guatemala City, Guatemala

Office: +502 2362 8010

Reservations and Ticketing: +502 2362 8010

Fax: +502 2362 8019

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, Room 1012 China Aerospace Tower, Concordia Plaza, No. 1, Science Museum Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Business Hours: Monday - Friday 09:00-13:00,14:00-17:30; Saturday 09:00-13:00

Office: +852 3188 1513

Reservations and Ticketing: +852 3188 1513

Fax: +852 2375 3623

Email: etihadhkgres@biznetvigator.com

Budapest, Hungary

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Budapest, Hungary

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.eu

Bangalore, India

Office Address: Level 15, Regus UB City, , Concorde Towers, UB City, , 1 Vittal Mallya Road, Bangalore – 560 001, Bengaluru, India

Business Hours: 0900-1730 Mon-Fri, Closed on Sat, Sun & Public Holidays

Toll Free: 1800-22-3901/1800-209-0808

Chennai, India

Office Address: Chennai city centre, Regus Business centre, Level 6, No. 10/11, R.K, Salai, Mylapore, Post Code 600 004, Chennai, India

Business Hours: 0900 - 1730 (Mon - Fri). Closed on Sat, Sun & Public holidays

Fax: +91 44 30180006

Call Centre: 1800-22-3901 & 1800-209-0808 (within India)

Email: maatkt@etihad.ae

Hyderabad, India

Office Address: Level 1 Regus Business Centre, Midtown Road No 1 Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, India

Business Hours: 0900 - 1730 (Mon - Fri). Closed on Sat, Sun & Public holidays

Fax: +91 40 44334198

Call Centre: 1800-22-3901 & 1800-209-0808 (within India)

Kochi, India

Office Address: Swapnil enclave, High court junction, Marine Drive, Cochin – 682031, Kochi, India

Business Hours: 0900 - 1730 (Mon - Fri). Closed on Sat, Sun & Public holidays

Fax: +91-484-3010007

Call Centre: 1800-22-3901 & 1800-209-0808 (within India)

Email: coktkt@etihad.ae

Kozhikode, India

Office Address: Hyson Heritage Hotel, Bank Road, Post Code 673 001, Kozhikode, India

Business Hours: 0900 - 1730 (Mon - Fri). Closed on Sat, Sun & Public holidays

Fax: +91 495 3010005

Call Centre: 1800-22-3901 & 1800-209-0808 (within India)

Email: ccjtkt@etihad.ae

Mumbai, India

Office Address: 1st Floor, Sunder Mahal, 141, Marine Drive, Churchgate, Post Code 400 020, Mumbai, India

Business Hours: 0900 - 1730 (Mon - Fri). Closed on Sat, Sun & Public holidays

Fax: +91 22 6610 7151

Call Centre: 1800-22-3901 & 1800-209-0808 (within India)

Email: bomtkt@etihad.ae

New Delhi, India

Office Address: 2nd Floor,Narain Manzil, 23 Barakhamba Road, Post Code - 110 001, New Delhi, India

Business Hours: 0930 – 1730 (Mon - Fri) Closed on Sat, Sun & Public holidays

Fax: +91 11 43537309

Call Centre: 1800-22-3901 & 1800-209-0808 (within India)

Email: reservationsdel@etihad.ae

T'puram, India

Office Address: 3rd Floor, Felicity Square, , Oppo. Secretariat,, M.G. Road, Post Code 695001, Thiruvananthapuram, India

Business Hours: 0900 - 1730 (Mon - Fri). Closed on Sat, Sun & Public holidays.

Call Centre: 1800-22-3901 & 1800-209-0808

Jakarta, Indonesia

Office Address: Summitmas 2, 12th Floor, Jl Jend Sudirman kav 61-62, Post code 12190, Jakarta, Indonesia

Business Hours: 8 am - 5 pm (Mon-Fri)

Office: +62 21 5202268

Reservations and Ticketing: +62 21 5201288

Fax: +62 21 5201218

Email: jkttkt@etihad.ae

Tehran, Iran

Office Address: Unit 6, 3rd floor, Sayeh Tower, Opposite Mellat Park, Val-e-Asr Avenue, Tehran, Iran

Business Hours: Sat-Wed:08.30-16.30 / Thu: 08.30-12.30

Office: +9821 2620 2007

Reservations and Ticketing: +9821 2205 5556

Fax: +9821 2620 2011

Call Centre: +98 21 2205 5556

Email: thrtkt@etihad.ae

Dublin, Ireland

Office Address: Dublin, Ireland

Office: +353 1 871 6401

Fax: +353 1 871 6382

Call Centre: 01 656 9900

Milan, Italy

Office Address: Corso Garibaldi, 86-20121, Milan, Italy

Business Hours: 09.00-17.00 from Monday to Friday

Office: +39 02 62 69 49 04

Reservations and Ticketing: +39 02 62 69 49 04

Fax: +39 02 65 38 83

Email: miltkt@etihad.ae


Office Address: Level 11, Aoyama Palachio Tower, 3-6-7, Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, 107-0061, Tokyo, Japan

Business Hours: Monday - Friday 0900-17:00hrs

Office: +81 3 5778 5180

Reservations and Ticketing: +81 3 3298 4719

Fax: +81 3 5778 5171

Call Centre: +81 3 3298 4719

Amman, Jordan

Office Address: Ground floor , Jerusalem Insurance Building , Abdulhamid Sharaf Street,Shmisani, Amman, Jordan

Business Hours: 9 am-5 pm (Sun-Thu), 9 am-1 pm (Sat-Call Center only)

Office: +962 6 468 0100/1/2

Reservations and Ticketing: 0800 22 803

Fax: +962 6 468 0104

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Office Address: 240G, Furmanov Street, Business Centre CDC1, 01 floor , Almaty, Kazakhstan

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-17:30, Saturday: 13:00-18:00

Office: +7 727 3303000

Reservations and Ticketing: +7 727 3303000

Fax: +7 727 3303010

Email: alasales@etihad.ae

Seoul, Korea (South) Republic of

Office Address: 21st Floor, Seoul Finance Center , 84 Taepyeongro 1-ga, Jung-gu, 100-768, Seoul, Korea

Business Hours: 0900 - 1800 ( Mon - Fri ) Closed on Sat, Sun & Public holidays

Reservations and Ticketing: +82 2 3782-4970/1

Fax: +82 2 3782 -4969

Kuwait, Kuwait

Office Address: Burj Jassem, Al Soor Street, Al Mirqab, P.O.B 933 Souk Dakhili 15259, Kuwait, Kuwait

Business Hours: Sat-Thu: 09:00-18:00

Office: +965 22960090

Reservations and Ticketing: +965 22960090

Fax: +965 2960080

Email: kwitkt@etihad.ae

Riga, Latvia

Office Address: Airline Management, Katusepapi Street 6, Tallinn 11412, Estonia, Riga, Latvia

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +372 66 81 006

Reservations and Ticketing: +372 66 81 006

Fax: +372 61 81 516

Email: Etihad@airlinemanagement.eu

Beirut, Lebanon

Office Address: Zein Bldg, Ground Floor, Omar Daouk St – Bab Idriss, Beirut, Lebanon

Business Hours: 8.30 am-4 pm (Mon-Fri), 8.30 am-1 pm (Sat)

Office: +961 1 975 000

Reservations and Ticketing: +961 1 975 000

Fax: +961 1 974 528

Call Centre: +961 1 989 393

Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Office Address: Aviation On-line Ltd, Tibisti Hotel Complex, Ground Floor , Benghazi, Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Office: +218 21 3362241/2

Reservations and Ticketing: +218 21 3362241/2

Fax: +218 21 3362241

Vilnius, Lithuania

Office Address: Airline Management, Katusepapi Street 6, Tallinn 11412, Estonia, Vilnius, Lithuania

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +372 66 81 006

Reservations and Ticketing: +372 66 81 006

Fax: +372 61 81 516

Email: Etihad@airlinemanagement.eu

Skopje, Macedonia

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Sarajevo, Macedonia

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.eu

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Sarajevo, Macedonia

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.eu

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Office Address: Suite 32.2, Level 32, Menara Standard Chartered, No. 30, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Business Hours: 9am – 5:30 pm (Mon – Fri)

Office: + 603 2687 2222

Reservations and Ticketing: + 603 2687 2222

Fax: + 603 2687 2300

Email: kultkt@etihad.ae

Luqa, Malta

Office Address: Aviation On-line Ltd, Aviation Centre First Floor , St. Thomas Street , Luqa LQA 5000, Malta, Malta

Office: +356 212 38744

Reservations and Ticketing: +356 212 38744

Fax: +356 23644096

Nouakchott, Mauritania

Office Address: Atlas GSA Mauritania, Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser, Nouakchott, Nouakchott, Mauritania

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +222 234 36 33

Reservations and Ticketing: +222 234 36 33

Fax: +223 20 23 06 56

Email: etihad.mr@amadeus.mr

Mexico City, Mexico

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, Rio Tiber #103, 6th Floor, Col. Cuauhtemoc, Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +52 (55) 5511 0021

Reservations and Ticketing: +52 (55) 5511 0021

Fax: +52 55 5525-1780

Email: mexico.etihad@discovertheworld.com.mx

Mexico City, Mexico

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, Rio Tiber #103, 6th Floor, Col. Cuauhtemoc, 06500 , Mexico City, Mexico

Office: +52 (55) 5511 0021

Reservations and Ticketing: +52 (55) 5511 0021

Fax: +52 55 5525 1780

Chisinau, Moldova

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Chisinau, Moldova

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.eu

Podgorica, Montenegro

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Podgorica, Montenegro

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.eu

Casablanca, Morocco

Office Address: 97, Bd Al Massira Al Khadra - Ground Floor, Mãarif, Casablanca 20100, Casablanca, Morocco

Business Hours: 8.30 am -12:30 pm & 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm (Mon-Fri), 9 am - 12:30 pm (Sat)

Office: +212 (0) 5 22 77 50 00

Reservations and Ticketing: +212 (0) 5 22 77 50 00

Fax: +212 (0) 5 22 23 44 75

Email: cmntkt@etihad.ae

Kathmandu, Nepal

Office Address: 1st Floor, West Wing Lal Durbar Convention centre Durbar Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal

Business Hours: SUN-FRI (0900-1730 HRS) Closed of Saturdays

Office: +977 1 4233533

Reservations and Ticketing: 00977 -1-4233533

Fax: + 977 1 4233546

Email: ktmtkt@etihad.ae

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Office Address: Kales Airline Services B.V., Triport 1, 6th Floor, Evert van de Beekstraat 46 , 1118 CL Schiphol, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Business Hours: Monday–Friday: 09:00-17:30

Office: +3120 655 3660

Reservations and Ticketing: +3120 655 3660

Fax: +3120 655 3651

Auckland, New Zealand

Office Address: Walshe Group , Level 6, 52 Swanson Street, Auckland, New Zealand

Business Hours: Monday–Friday: 09:00-17:00

Office: +64 9977 2207

Reservations and Ticketing: +64 9977 2207

Fax: +64 9 977 2212

Oslo, Norway

Office Address: P A G Travel Consulting A.B., Skeppargatan 48 , 11458 Stockholm, Sweden, Oslo, Norway

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +46 8 545 11738

Reservations and Ticketing: +46 8 545 11738

Fax: +46 8 568 49650

Email: agents.nordic.etihad@pagconsulting.se

Muscat, Oman

Office Address: Way No- 3506,Building No-460, New MBD Area, P.O.Box-291, P.C.114,Hai Al Mina, Muscat, Oman

Business Hours: 08:30 am to 17:30 pm from Saturday’s to Thursday’s. Friday’s – Closed. Public Holidays: 09.00 am to 12.00 pm

Office: +968 248 23 500

Reservations and Ticketing: +968 248 23 500

Toll Free: 800 76423

Fax: +968 248 23 556

Call Centre: 800 76423

Email: mcttkt@etihad.ae;mctpta@etihad.ae

Islamabad, Pakistan

Office Address: Office number 9, 1st Floor, Islamabad Stock Exchange Building Tower, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad, Pakistan

Business Hours: 0900-1745 Mon- Sat / Friday Break 1300-1500

Office: 00 800 900 440 17

Reservations and Ticketing: 00 800 900 440 17

Toll Free: 00 800 900 440 17

Fax: +92 51 289 4104

Call Centre: 00800 900 440 17

Email: isbtkt@etihad.ae

Karachi, Pakistan

Office Address: #309, 3rd Floor , The Forum Kehkashan , Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan

Business Hours: 0900-1745 Mon- Sat / Friday Break 1300-1500

Office: 00 800 900 440 17

Reservations and Ticketing: 00 800 900 440 17

Toll Free: 00 800 900 440 17

Fax: +9221 3530 1321

Call Centre: 00800 900 440 17

Email: khitkt@etihad.ae

Lahore, Pakistan

Office Address: 29/8-9, Tahir Center, Empress Road, Lahore, Pakistan

Business Hours: 0900-1745 Mon- Sat / Friday Break 1300-1500

Office: 00 800 900 440 17

Reservations and Ticketing: 00 800 900 440 17

Toll Free: 00 800 900 440 17

Fax: +92 42 36292484

Call Centre: 00800 900 440 17

Email: lhetkt@etihad.ae

Peshawar, Pakistan

Office Address: Office No. LG-34, Dean’s Trade Centre & Hotel Tower, Islamia Road, Peshawar, Pakistan

Business Hours: 0900-1745 Mon- Sat / Friday Break 1300-1500

Office: 00 800 900 440 17

Reservations and Ticketing: 00 800 900 440 17

Toll Free: 00 800 900 440 17

Call Centre: 00800 900 440 17

Panama City, Panama

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, San Francisco Calle 50, entre calle 76 y 77, Edificio Los Leones Piso No. 1, Panama City, Panama

Office: +507 301 0404

Reservations and Ticketing: +507 301 0404

Fax: +507 301 0411

Lima, Peru

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, La Paz 1558, Miraflores,18, Lima, Peru

Office: +51 1 444 4441

Reservations and Ticketing: +51 1 444 4441

Fax: +51.1.445.5479


Office Address: 22nd Floor Tower 1, The Enterprise Center, 6766 Ayala Avenue, Makati City 1226, Manila, Philippines

Business Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 - 16:30; Saturday 09:00 - 11:30

Office: +63 2 8ETIHAD (8384423)

Reservations and Ticketing: +63 2 8384423

Fax: +63 2 4791960

Call Centre: 1800 1441 0449

Email: mnltkt@etihad.ae

Warsaw, Poland

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Warsaw, Poland

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.eu

Lisbon, Portugal

Office Address: Aviareps plc, Av. , Fontes Pereira de Melo, 35 – 15ºA, 1050-118, Lisbon, Portugal

Office: +351 213 161 277

Reservations and Ticketing: +351 213 161 277

Fax: +351 213156023

Doha, Qatar

Office Address: The Centre (shopping mall), Next to Ramada Hotel, P.O. Box No. 7867, Doha, Qatar

Business Hours: 8:00am - 07pm (Sat-Thu)

Office: +974 4436 6658 / +974 4442 1463

Reservations and Ticketing: +974 4436 6657

Fax: +974 C444436 6659

Call Centre: +974 4436 6657

Email: dohtkt@etihad.ae

Bucharest, Romania

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Bucharest, Romania

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.eu

Moscow, Russia

Office Address: 29, Serebryanicheskaya emb. 8th floor, Business Center “Silver City”, Moscow, Russia

Business Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:30

Office: +7 495 645 3707

Reservations and Ticketing: +7 495 970 1881

Fax: +7 495 721 4909

Email: mowtkt@etihad.ae

Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Office Address: Office No. 10, Almousa Building, King Faisal Road (Costal Road), P.O.Box: 32237, Al-Khobar - 31952, Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Business Hours: 8:30am -13:00pm & 16:00pm - 19:30pm (Sat-Thu)

Office: (+9663) 896 3232

Reservations and Ticketing: (+9663) 896 3232

Toll Free: 800 844 7893

Fax: (+9663) 896 3636

Call Centre: 800 844 7893

Email: dmmtkt@etihad.ae

Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Office Address: Al Amoudi Airlines Centre, Beside Moven Pick Hotel Building, Medina Road, P.O.Box-18600 , Jeddah-21425,, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Business Hours: 09:00 to 13:30 & 17:00 to 20:30 (Friday Closed)

Reservations and Ticketing: 00966 2 6640024 / 6640026 / 6640028

Fax: 00966 2 6640064

Call Centre: 800 844 7893

Email: jedtkt@etihad.ae

Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Office Address: Bin Tami Center, P.O.Box 61400, Riyadh 11555 , Intersection of King Abdulaziz Street with Arouba Street , Adjacent to EXTRA showroom, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Business Hours: (Sat-Wed: 0900 -1300 & 14:30 -18:30) (Thu: 0900-13:00) (Fri: Closed)

Office: +9661 4197722

Reservations and Ticketing: 966 1 4197722

Fax: +9661 4197744

Call Centre: 800 844 7893

Email: ruhtkt@etihad.ae

Dakar, Senegal

Office Address: Atlas GSA Senegal, 4 Rue Jacques Bugnicourt, (Ex Kleber) Dakar, Dakar, Senegal

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +221 33 823 82 87

Reservations and Ticketing: +221 33 823 82 87

Fax: +221 33 823 88 96

Email: etihad.sn@orange.sn

Belgrade, Serbia

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Belgrade, Serbia

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.eu

Singapore, Singapore

Office Address: 15-01, Suntec Tower Two, 9 Temasek Boulevard, Postal Code 038989, Singapore, Singapore

Business Hours: 0900-1800 hours (Mon-Fri) close on Sat, Sun & Public Holiday

Office: +65 68549788

Reservations and Ticketing: +65 6854 9788

Fax: +65 68549799

Bratislava, Slovakia

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08, Bratislava, Slovakia

Business Hours: Monday–Friday: 09:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Office Address: GSA Solutions, s.r.o., Šoltésovej 12 , 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +421 232 661 499

Reservations and Ticketing: +421 232 661 499

Fax: +421 232 661 498

Email: reservations.etihad@gsasolutions.eu


Office Address: Cape Town, South Africa

Office: 0861-384423 (Johannesburg)

Reservations and Ticketing: 0861-384423 (Johannesburg)

Call Centre: 021 427 3344

Johannesburg, South Africa

Office Address: Four Commerce Square, 39 Rivonia Road (corner Helling), Sandhurst, Sandton, P.O. Box 55598, Northlands 2116, Johannesburg, South Africa

Business Hours: 8:30am - 5pm (Mon to Fri) closed Sat,Sun & Public Holidays

Office: 0861-ETIHAD (within South Africa), +27-11-3439140 (from outside South Africa)

Reservations and Ticketing: +27861 (ETIHAD) OR +2711343 9140

Fax: +27 11 268 0247

Call Centre: 021 427 3344

Email: jnbtkt@etihad.ae

Barcelona, Spain

Office Address: Aviareps plc, C/ Bruc, 21 – 2ª planta 1º 08010, Barcelona, Spain

Office: +34 95 210 54 19

Reservations and Ticketing: +34 95 210 54 19

Fax: +34 95 217 0153

Madrid, Spain

Office Address: Aviareps plc, C/Santa Hortensia, 15 oficina E 28002, Madrid, Spain

Office: +34 95 210 54 19

Reservations and Ticketing: +34 95 210 54 19

Fax: +34 95 217 0153

Malaga, Spain

Office Address: Aviareps plc, oficina 44, Terminal Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Aeropuerto de Malaga, 29004, Malaga, Spain

Office: +34 902 051 846

Reservations and Ticketing: +34 902 051 846

Fax: +34 95 217 0153

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Office Address: Level 26, East Tower, World Trade Centre, Colombo 01, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Business Hours: 8.30 am-5 pm (Mon-Fri), 9 am-1 pm (Sat & public holidays)

Office: +94 11 4766500

Reservations and Ticketing: +94 11 476 6500

Fax: +94 114766510

Email: cmbtkt@etihad.ae

Khartoum, Sudan

Office Address: Plot 3 I Khartoum East – Baladya Street, Khartoum, Sudan

Business Hours: 09:00 – 16:00 (Sun – Thu) , 10:00 – 14:00 (Sat)

Office: + 249 1 83 741 894

Reservations and Ticketing: +249 183 741 869 / 894 or +249 183 789750

Fax: +249 183 741867

Email: krttkt@etihad.ae

Stockholm, Sweden

Office Address: P A G Travel Consulting A.B., Skeppargatan 48 , 11458, Stockholm, Sweden

Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00

Office: +46 8 5000 1301

Reservations and Ticketing: +46 8 5000 1300

Fax: +46 8 568 49650

Geneva, Switzerland

Office Address: 6, Rue Klèberg, Geneva, Switzerland

Business Hours: 9am-5.30pm (Mon-Fri)

Office: +41 22 906 90 40

Reservations and Ticketing: +41 22 906 90 40

Fax: +41 22 906 90 49

Call Centre: 0840-333555

Damascus, Syria

Office Address: Abo Rummaneh Al-Jalla’a Street , Sebki Building, First Floor, Damascus, Syria

Business Hours: Ticketing & Reservation 8:30am-16:30pm /Fri Closed.

Office: +963 11 33 44 235

Reservations and Ticketing: +963 11 33 44 235/6/7/8/9

Fax: +963 11 33 44 242

Taipei, Taiwan

Office Address: Golden Foundation Travel Service, Room 502, No 142, Section 4, Chung Hsiao East Road, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

Business Hours: Monday - Friday 09:00-17:30; Saturday 09:00-12:00

Office: +8862 2773 3266

Reservations and Ticketing: +8862 2773 3266

Fax: +8862 2776 5704

Bangkok, Thailand

Office Address: 11th Floor, Tonson Tower, 900 Ploenchit road, Post Code 10330, Bangkok, Thailand

Business Hours: Monday - Friday 08:30 - 17:00

Office: +66 2 253 0088

Reservations and Ticketing: +66 2 253 0099

Fax: +66 2 252 2100

Istanbul, Turkey

Office Address: Süleyman Seba Caddesi, No. 21, Akaretler – 34437 Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Turkey

Business Hours: 09:00-12:30 / 13:00-17:30 (Mon-Fri)

Office: +90 212 326 8600

Reservations and Ticketing: +90 212 326 8626

Fax: +90 212 227 5764

Email: isttkt@etihad.ae

Airport Ticketing office, Istanbul, Turkey

Office Address: Ataturk Havalimani, Dis Hatlar Terminali, Gidis Kati, Yesilkoy, Istanbul, Turkey

Business Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun 11.00 - 16.00

Office: +90 (212) 465 30 00

Kyiv, Ukraine

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, Entrance 3, Office 24, 9/2 Chervonoarmiyska str.,01004, Kiev, Ukraine

Office: +380 44 4956443

Reservations and Ticketing: +380 44 4956443

Fax: +380 44 4906216

Etihad Holidays shop, Al Hilal Bank

Office Address: Al Hilal Bank, Corniche, The Mall Branch,, Al Sahel Tower, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: 9am - 5pm (Sun - Thu)

Office: +971 2 635 9916

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 2 635 9916

Fax: +971 2 635 9916

Call Centre: 800 23 24

Email: dnahas@etihad.ae

Etihad Holidays shop, Abu Dhabi Mall

Office Address: Ground Floor, East Tower, Abu Dhabi Mall, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: 9 am - 9 pm (Sat - Thu)

Office: +971 2 644 4490

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 2 644 4490

Fax: +971 2 644 4490

Call Centre: 800 23 24

Email: ffang@etihad.ae

Etihad Holidays shop, Al Wahda Mall

Office Address: Al Wahda Mall, 1st floor, Next to Dome Café, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: 10 am - 10 pm (Sat - Fri)

Office: +971 2 443 7389

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 2 443 7389

Fax: +971 2 443 7387

Call Centre: 800 23 24

Email: ewilson@etihad.ae

Etihad Holidays shop, Marina Mall

Office Address: Marina Mall, 1st floor,, Snow Dome area, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: 10 am - 10 pm (Sat - Fri)

Office: +971 2 617 0125

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 2 617 0125

Fax: +971 2 681 9243

Call Centre: 800 23 24

Email: lsafar@etihad.ae

Etihad Holidays shop, Khalidiya Mall

Office Address: Khalidiya Mall, 1st floor, Next to Lulu Entrance, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: 10 am - 10 pm (Sat - Fri)

Office: +971 2 635 4955

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 2 635 4955

Fax: +971 2 635 4988

Call Centre: 800 23 24

Email: spoovanna@etihad.ae

Etihad Plaza Retail Shop

Office Address: Etihad Plaza Retail Shop, Block C11 Next to Mugg & Beans Coffee Shop, P.O. BOX 35566, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: Saturday-Friday: 11:00AM -1900 PM

Office: 00971 02 511 1966

Call Centre: 02 599 0000

Madinat Zayed

Office Address: Ahmed Jumaa Al Za-aabee Bldg, Muroor Road, Opposite Madinat Zayed Shopping Centre, Ground Floor, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: '9 am - 9 pm (Sat - Thu)

Office: +971 2 6177754

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 2 632 1500

Fax: +971 2 632 4556

Call Centre: 02 599 0000

Email: mabuallan@etihad.ae

Emirates Palace

Office Address: Emirates Palace, Corniche Road, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: 9 am-2 pm and 5 pm-8 pm (Sat-Thu)

Office: +971 2 690 8920/ 8930

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 2 690 8920

Fax: +971 2 690 8925

Call Centre: 02 599 0000

Etihad Airways, Head Office - Abu Dhabi, UAE

Office Address: P.O.Box 35566, Head Office, Khalifa City A, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Office: +971 2 511 0000

Fax: +971 2 511 1200

Call Centre: [Within the UAE: 02 599 0000] [Outside the UAE: +971 2 599 0844]

Abu Dhabi Mall

Office Address: Etihad Airways, Ground Floor, East Tower, Abu Dhabi Mall, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: 9 am-9 pm (Sat-Thu)

Office: +971 2 644 4490

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 2 644 4490

Fax: +971 2 644 5351

Call Centre: 02 599 0000

Armed Forces Officers Club

Office Address: Armed Forces Officers Club, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: 9am-2pm and 5pm-8pm (Sat-Thu)

Office: +971 2 4415226

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 2 4415226

Fax: +971 2 4415405

Call Centre: 02 599 0000

Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

Office Address: Shk Tanoon Building, Zayed Bin Sultan Street, P.O. Box: 15555, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: 09 am - 08 pm (Sat-Thu)

Office: +971 3 766 6100

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 3 766 6100

Fax: +971 3 766 1100

Call Centre: 02 599 0000

Email: aantkt@etihad.ae

Etihad Holidays shop, Bawadi Mall

Office Address: Bawadi Mall, Ground Floor, , Entrance 3 (Carrefour Entrance), Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: 10 am - 10 pm (Sat - Fri)

Office: +971 3 784 0228

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 3 7840228

Fax: +971 3 7840636

Call Centre: 800 23 24 (Holidays)

Email: speriyanadar@etihad.ae

Etihad Holidays shop, Dubai Marina Mall

Office Address: Dubai Marina Mall, Promenade Level, Dubai - Chelsea Tower, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: 10 am - 10 pm (Sat - Fri)

Office: +971 4 399 7956

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 4 399 7956

Fax: +971 4 399 7946

Call Centre: 800 23 24

Email: dxbmarinamall@etihad.ae

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Office Address: Chelsea Tower Apartment Building (Near Mashreq Bank), Sheikh Zayed Road, P.O.Box 72522, Dubai - Chelsea Tower, United Arab Emirates

Business Hours: 9 am - 8 pm (Sat-Thu)

Office: N/A as the calls are transferred to the Global Call Center

Reservations and Ticketing: 8002277

Fax: +971 4 343 6667

Call Centre: 02 599 0000

Email: dubaitkt@etihad.ae

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Office Address: Talmook Tower, Ground Floor, Al Taawun street close to Al Taawun Mall, Al Khan Area, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Reservations and Ticketing: +971 6 577 0333

Fax: + 971 6 577 2332

Call Centre: 02 599 0000

London, United Kingdom

Office Address: Administration only - 200 Hammersmith Road,, W6 7DL, London, United Kingdom

Business Hours: Administration Office only - MON-FRI 0900-1730 -Ticket Desk located at Heathrow Terminal 4. 0500-2100 Daily

Office: +44 (0) 208 735 6700

Reservations and Ticketing: +44 (0) 203 450 7300 Timing: 0800-2000

Fax: +44 208 735 6701

Call Centre: 0203 4507300

London Heathrow, United Kingdom

Office Address: Administration only - Room 1992, Terminal 4, Heathrow Airport, Hounslow, Middlesex TW6 3XZ , London, United Kingdom

Business Hours: 0500-2100 Hrs Daily - Ticket desk: Terminal 4 - Zone C

Office: +44 203 450 7300

Reservations and Ticketing: +44 (0) 203 450 7300 Timing: 0800-2000

Call Centre: 0203 4507300

Manchester Airport, United Kingdom

Office Address: Manchester International Airport, Room 18 - Level 5, Terminal One, M90 3AF, Manchester, United Kingdom

Business Hours: MON/WED/FRI/SUN 05:.30-09:30HRS TUE/THUR/SAT 17:00-20:00HRS

Office: +44 (0) 203 450 7300

Reservations and Ticketing: +44 (0) 203 450 7300 Timing: 0800-2000

Call Centre: 0203 4507300

Chicago, United States of America

Office Address: John Hancock Center, 875 N. Michigan Avenue, 31st Floor, IL 60611, Chicago, United States of America

Business Hours: Mon-Fri 09:00am– 17:00pm / Sat, Sun & public holidays - Closed

Office: +1 212 554 1300

Reservations and Ticketing: +1 212 554 1300

Toll Free: 866 6 ETIHAD

Fax: +1 312 253 4082

Call Centre: 1 888 8 ETIHAD (Within USA)

Email: chitkt@etihad.ae

New York, United States of America

Office Address: Rockefeller Center, 600 Fifth Avenue, 20th Floor, NY 10020, New York, United States of America

Business Hours: Mon-Fri 09:00am– 17:00pm / Sat, Sun & public holidays - Closed

Office: +1 212 554 1300

Reservations and Ticketing: +1 212 554 1300

Toll Free: 866 6 ETIHAD

Fax: +1 212 554 1326

Call Centre: 1 888 8 ETIHAD (Within USA)

Email: nyctkt@etihad.ae

Montevideo, Uruguay

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, Rio Negro 1354, 4th Floor, Office Number 19, 11100, Montevideo, Uruguay

Office: +598 2 903 1760

Reservations and Ticketing: +598 2 903 1760

Fax: +598 2 903 1761

Caracas, Venezuela

Office Address: Discover the World Marketing, Avda. Francisco de Miranda , Torre Mene Grande, Ofc. PB-4, Los Palos Grandes, 1060, Caracas, Venezuela

Office: +58 212 285 44 33

Reservations and Ticketing: +58 212 285 44 33

Fax: +58 212 285 47 54

Sana'a, Yemen

Office Address: Universal Travel, 60 Meters Road, P.O. Box 18226, Sanaa, Sanaa, Yemen

Office: +967 1 440307 - 14

Reservations and Ticketing: +967 1 440307 - 14

Fax: +967 1 440306

Email: wasi@universalyemen.com

Abu Dhabi International Airport, United Arab Emirates

Airport Name: Abu Dhabi International Airport

Airport: +971 2 5757 874

Airport Office Address: New Airport Road,, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

For more details visit
